Sunday, September 6, 2009

A little Bit of Un....

Sorry for the short

trivial nature of this post.

But this week has been almost flabberghasting.

Plus. I'm way to tired to be recounting in the normal conventional blog style.

So here's my thoughts this week in a totally non copyrighted, satirical nutshell......

Stupid blogspot...compress the quality and the size of the pic....

Seriously. Lighten up people.

Oh. And if you hear that NRMA is suing a blogger for using copyrighted material. You'll know exactly what happened....


  1. I love your posts, they're so random ;D
    And how long does it take for you to do those pictures ? D:


  2. rofl. you have indeed captured the probem and condensed it into a single poster. Good job. :)
