Oh. And may I also gladly welcome you to....
The Sensationalist.
Yes, yes i know what you're thinking....... "Great...another precious bit of optical fibre wasted on yet another insignificant addition to the already contaminated blogosphere."
But in the greater scheme of things, 99% of the internet is already filled with pornographic material and such.*
So think of us bloggers as good samaritans who are willing to clean up the smut with stories from our mundane lives.
You know how everybody says something along the lines of:
"My life is soooo boring....,"
"I wish something exciting happened today..."
"My life has no meaning whatsover..."
Well if you don't.... then I admire your ability to appreciate the small things in life.
Either that or you are an egocentric bastard.
But even the smallest of things in daily life can be exciting really. And even the most mundane things can mean so, so much more....
Which brings me to today's question:
Sexualisation of Chinese food?
First there was the sexualisation of Kung-Fu by the likes of Uma Thurman in Kill Bill, then Chris Tucker made camel meat sexy in Rush Hour.
And now this:
All Chinese people should be familiar with this. Curvaceous, volumptuous and with pasty skin with just the perfect contours separating its shape into two perfect spheres. Not to mention the gentle pink hue, giving it a glowing finish.
In short. Gluteus Maximus on a plate
"Oh the Chinese are such subtle and sensuous people," I hear my western friend say.I don't know, maybe the princesses of ancient China had such shocking bodies that the Emporers could only get turned on from food instead.....passionately cooked by strictly male chefs.
I know the Chinese are stereotyped to be factual and such.
But did they also have to be this technical?:

I'll leave you on that thought next time you check out a hot guy/girl's arse. I mean, we're all human......even if they have superhuman features. Which reminds me to plug Nathaniel/Eddy's blog http://kowontons.wordpress.com/2009/08/28/whatup/
Stay tuned for more sensationalised stories of mundane items.
*Did you know that 99% of all statistics are made up?